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2019 Buffalo Soldiers Fall Affair
Jaycees Community Center
3090 Crain Highway
Waldorf, Maryland
October 26, 2019
Troopers pose with (Judge Patrick J. Devine - Charles County Circuit Court)
& (Reuben B. Collins II - President, Board of County Commissioners)
Troopers Baker, Hill, Theard, Crawford, Lancaster, Hutton, Wells Cooper and Mr. George Brooks
2019 Buffalo Soldiers Fall Affair Dancing Dancing Click Here
Special Appreciation to Trooper Robin Cooper for making this happen!!
(Photos courtesy of Trooper Linda Crawford)
(right photo) Troopers Ron and Jean Faulcon of The Baltimore Chapter
(right photo) Trooper Terry, Ms. Yvonne Smith and Trooper Crawford
(left photo) Troopers Brookins, Crawford and Baker
(right) Troopers L. Crawford and H. Crawford
Mr. George Brooks with artificacts of his Buffalo Soldier grandfather
(right photo) Judge Levine Attorney Matin and Mr. Brooks
(left photo) 2nd from left is Trooper Edgar Brookins, General Manager of the Afro American Newspaper, Washington, DC
(right photo) Trooper Hill and Ms. Lillie Jackson
(left photo) Trooper Lancaster (right photo) Trooper Wells
(right photo) Trooper Cooper with Hammad S. Matin, P.A.
(left photo) Troopers A. Theard and Campbell (right photo) Troopers L. Crawford and Campbell
(left photo) Dale Bell (DJ Mickey)
(right photo) Photographer Montel Williams
Comedian (Ernestine & The Party Crasherzs
(right photo) walking, Kandes Carter, Public Relations Officer for Charles County States Attorney
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